Saturday, December 26, 2015

A month of gifts, day 26: The Gift of Books

I came home from the library today with too many books. Actually, pretty much every time I come home with too many books. There are stacks of books by the bed, more in my closet, a heap beside my desk, even a few in the trunk of my car (just in case). My life is measured out in pages, chapters, authors' notes and afterwords. Give me a plot twist or a bibliography, some good light and a comfortable chair, and I'll entertain myself for hours.

I love the way books smell, the weight of them in my hands, the sound of turning pages. I love the possibilities inherent in libraries and bookstores.

Books are some of my oldest and dearest friends, my companions in times of loneliness. But more than anything, I love recommending them--finding just the right person for a favorite story, or just the right book for a favorite person, is a great joy. 

Once in a while, I get to meet one of my favorite authors and tell them how much their work has meant to me. It's a privilege to share someone else's world for a little while, and look at things through their eyes.

I used to think I'd figured out a way to use the library's automated system to take out more books than I was supposed to, but it turns out they just raised my check out limit without telling me. I guess there are some advantages to bringing borrowed things back on time. Right now my library backpack is full to overflowing, so it's time to curl up and enjoy the temporary stash. I've got history books, psychology, anthropology, true crime, self-help, a couple of Craig Johnson's Longmire novels, the latest Pendergast book from Preston and Child, and a Star Wars tie-in. Among others. I'm not quite at my new, higher checkout limit. But I bet I'm getting close.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love books. I have them piled around my couch in my living room, around my TV in my bedroom, on my bedside table, and when that was no longer close enough, I began to keep a couple (dozen) on my bed. There is no such thing as too many books. I'm teaching my daughter the same thing. Books are sacred. They much be treated well, kept off the floor, and one never, ever folds pages.
